Bonne nouvelle ! En plus de la date de sortie et du titre, nous connaissons maintenant le synopsis du tome 2 de la saga Hidden Legacy par Ilona Andrews.
J'ai hâte !
White Hot, parution prévue le 27 octobre 2015
Nevada Baylor and Connor Rogan are back in the fight against corruption and the dark forces of Houston’s elite. Once again, they’ve been drawn together to fight a common enemy, but something is growing between them, too. Something that’s becoming more difficult to ignore with every heated touch and meaningful glance. But with new foes rising from all sides and danger ever present, they’ll have to work that much harder to protect one another - and any future they might have together.
Sinon, du côté de J.R. Ward, elle a récemment annoncé que sa prochaine série serait une "prolongation" de la série La Confrérie de la Dague Noire.
Le premier tome de la série Black Dagger Legacy s'intitulera Blood Kiss et est attendu pour le 1er décembre
Synopsis :
Paradise, blooded daughter of the king’s First Advisor, is ready to break free from the restrictive life of an aristocratic female. Her strategy? Join the Black Dagger Brotherhood’s training center program and learn to fight for herself, think for herself. It’s a good plan, until everything goes wrong. The schooling is unfathomably difficult, the other recruits feel more like enemies than allies, and it’s very clear that the Brother in charge, Butch O’Neal, a.k.a. the Dhestroyer, is having serious problems in his own life.
And that’s before she falls in love with a fellow classmate. Craeg, a common civilian, is nothing her father would ever want for her, but everything she could ask for in a male. As an act of violence threatens to tear apart the entire program, and the erotic pull between them grows irresistible, Paradise is tested in ways she never anticipated--and left wondering whether she’s strong enough to claim her own power...on the field, and off.
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